It seems almost the whole world is aware that our Prime Minister Jacinda Adern and her partner Clarke Gayford now have a baby daughter. At the conclusion of this uPflash ARTbop is going to share a “poem” by talented Auckland poet and musician, John Adams. But, before you get to see that I want you to check out the images from our May Affordable Art & Artisan Fair as the June Fair is on THIS SUNDAY 24TH JUNE 11AM TO 3PM!
ARTbop in collaboration with the fabulous Black Sheep cafe and restaurant at Whakamarama started the Art & Artisan Fair at the end of 2017 to provide another accessible and affordable venue for local creatives and artisans to exhibit and sell their products. We have been privileged that ARTbop contributor and successful Katikati artist Birgitt Shannon has taken the lead in event organisation and with the participation and support of the “stallholders” has created a regular worthwhile event for the Western Bay of Plenty. The range of skills and talents within the “stallholder” group is breathtaking.
We hold the Fairs on the last Sunday of every month at the Black Sheep from 11am to 3pm. It doesn’t matter if the weather is totally “crap” because we are privileged to have the use of the cafe’s atrium and covered areas. As well you find art work and creativity around the outer walls of the main cafe complex. Yes, we’ve live music and yes the Black Sheep food is worth a trip out for. Last month my vegetarian frittata was just yum and I got one of our social media stars (Natalie and Emily) to post it on our Fair instagram page.
That’s Peta’s fabulous Thai chilli and tomato relish in the condiment bowl. And yes, you can buy jars of her artisan relish at the Black Sheep to take home and enjoy.
As if that’s not enough the multi-talented Birgitt Shannon produces an interview video each Fair. I’ve included it here but you should also go to her YouTube site and take a look at some of the other creative efforts she’s been involved in.
Here’s some images I took around the May AAAFair…..

Natalie one of the Fair’s social media stars helping the talented Maria of Missy Moo creating the May Fair “Pamper Hamper”

The finished Hamper!

Our local Coffee Guy who comes along to ensure the baristas can keep up with demand and their eco-friendly reusable cups

Missy Moo braved the cold to place her gazebo at the Fair entrance!
Maria of Missy Moo creates original bamboo fabric clothing designs and also individually screen prints and dyes teeshirts and accessories. She’s also one of the Fair’s First Aid Officers.

Isaac of Re,Work it and his unique garden art features in the entryway to the Fair

Look who is in the Conference Room: handmade artisan chocs, unique glassware and… can just see a corner of the wonderful handknitting (including some alpaca) and unique woodware

Flowers from Whakamarama’s Lifestyle Flowers! (sorry about the fuzzy image!)

Flowers, foliage, botanicals and more from Artisan Flowers & Foliage

Unique handtied macrame art

Sun frocks for summer and more woodware under the large cafe verandah

Fabric creativity

Enjoying hot chips but look at the front of this table: rose petal jam!

Artists from the Omokoroa Arts Group at work (and check the papers they have introductory classes on offer at the moment)

Unique artisan created pens (and conversation in the cafe)

Cafe time!

In the cafe and check out the work of Birgitt Shannon in the background!
I hope you’ve seen the chalkboard to the right of the above image: the Black Sheep has a Curry Night every Wednesday. It’s authentic and it’s delicious. Check out the Affordable Art & Artisan Fair and the Black Sheep facebook pages. Beautifully presented and what looks to me like huge portions. $25 per person. (Other meals also available).
There’s heaps of tarsealed parking out front. The toilets are spotless and the food is fabulous. See you this Sunday at the Black Sheep SH2 & Plummers Point Road 11am to 3pm for the Affordable Art & Artisan Fair for June 2018!
And now here’s Auckland Poet John Adams acknowledgement of….poignant in a positive way
Small hook
From the cord’s end, the catch produced
her jawbone hook. A thousand pencils
sharpened to this soft point, time
took a new first breath. The boat
seemed smaller, we noticed more keenly
the breeze, the chop, the nation
hushed. Metaphor cannot hold her,
she is like and unlike all the others,
only the plainest best words
will serve for our prime miniature.
John Adams, June 2018

John Adams and his band Don’t Judge Me in house May 2018 And we cannot not mention Birgitt Shannon: You’ll all be aware by now that Birgitt Shannon was the 2018 runner up in the Trustpower Tauranga Society of Artists Supreme Award. Here’s another of Birgitt’s you tube records of the presentation of her award and other examples of her work exhibited in this show.
AND: ARTbop is promoting poetry in the Western Bay of Plenty
Established spoken word, slam poet and performance poet Dhaivat Mehta and author, reviewer and poet Marcus Hobson are at the heart of a poetry initiative to give Whakamarama District locals the opportunity to meet and share their spoken words with others. Meeting in the convivial atmosphere of the Black Sheep on the second Wednesday of every month and providing an evening of entertaining words and thought from 6.00pm to 8.30pm.
Join us every second Wednesday of the month,
6.00pm to 8.30pm
at the
Black Sheep Bar & Grill
Cnr SH2 and Plummers Point Road, Whakamarama
Read your own poems or poems by your favourite poet. Enjoy the power of the spoken word!
Phone: 07 571 8722 021 145 5810
the Bay of Plenty’s creative arts magazine!
read us online anywhere, anytime!