“Honey Bees have been present in human history for over 6,000 years (Bee Wilson), and beekeeping/ honey hunting can be traced back to the Mesolithic Era and further (Jones, Sweeny-Lynch, 26). ….
Tickner Edwardes, a 20th century authority of beekeeping, believed bee hives to be the oldest civilization in the world, and beekeeping to be one of the “oldest crafts under the sun”. (Edwardes, 11). This lasting bee history is supported by evidence including cave paintings, hieroglyphs, and bronze age weaponry. However, the majority of evidence to widespread beekeeping originates in Egypt. Egypt is one of the first societies to have extensive records of beekeeping. Honey bees and beekeeping were crucial to Egyptian society, and their usage pervaded into almost every aspect of Egyptian life. From an ingredient in cakes, to ceremonies, and even in burial, honey was used. Overall the bee was valued, and its’ importance is proven by the socio-political-religious implications and uses. ” 1
Here in New Zealand September is “Be Aware Month” – BAM – as we are encouraged to remember what our ancestors always knew, bees are a crucial part of our existence. And if you can’t remember Marie Antoinette “who made the bee her own”, remember the superb silver embroidered wedding dress of Sarah Fergusson (Sarah, Duchess of York) – the bee one of her family “heraldic” symbols. All of sudden the weather is warming here and bees are again everywhere in the garden. And the biggest bumble bee ever just cruised low past the glass door!
What can we do for our bees and what they are doing for us!
The Good of the Hive: Artist Matthew Willey Travels the World to Paint 50,000 Bees
And wouldn’t you know it in Aotearoa New Zealand, we have a series on how to care for bees from Trev!
1. History of the Honey Bees. This is a a totally absorbing source of all sorts of information about the history of bees. https://historyofbees.weebly.com/about-bees.html
2. Be Aware Month Apiculture New Zealand https://apinz.org.nz/bee-aware-month/
This ARTbop article has been compiled from, text, images and YouTube videos available online. Rosemary Balu. Rosemary Balu is the founding and current Managing Editor of ARTbop. Rosemary has arts and law degrees from the University of Auckland. She has been a working lawyer and has participated in a wide variety of community activities where information gathering, submission writing, community advocacy and education have been involved. Interested in all forms of the arts since childhood Rosemary is focused on further developing and expanding multi-media ARTbop as the magazine for all the creative arts in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Coming soon….the next Chapter of Tauranga author Nick Scott’s episodic novel “Temple’s Job”….yes we are late in publishing this….blame the Editor!! In the meantime check out the archives of The Sunday Series which feature an eclectic range of creative topics from the importance of local markets to creative and artisan producers in small rural communities to the music of Alien Weaponry and Mavis Rivers. And take a look at the wider ARTbop archives and catch up on Nick Scott’s episodic novel “Temple’s Job” and Busted: Auckland & Black Asterisk. We are saddened to see that the beautiful little Black Asterisk Gallery in Ponsonby Auckland has closed its doors.