Learning initiatives from our Tauranga City Library


ARTbop has been fortunate to be assisted in its development by the time and skills of specialist information librarians at the downtown Tauranga City Library. Harley Couper and colleagues have been very supportive of efforts by ARTbop to enhance its contribution to Bay of Plenty arts information and regional promotion.

Thursday 18th September 2014 found me again sitting front and centre in the transformed newspaper and magazine section of the Tauranga City Library. Transformed? Yes into a comfortable and low-key learning forum. The topic “Thinking about Social Media”. The evening was promoted by the Library as an opportunity to “join a panel of local marketing experts to hear how you can use popular social media tools to excite customers and grow your business.” Kathryn Overall, Sheldon Nesdale and “Likeable Dan” aka Dan Necklen were casually comfortable and wonderfully professional presenters about their own businesses and personal expertise. In answering a wide variety of questions they gave the larger than anticipated audience of local business people a great initial insight into additional business promotional tools. All this combined with drinks and nibbles.

From the useful and enjoyable evening the Tauranga City Library has developed ongoing business topic forums. Six weekly relaxed evenings with specific topic guest speakers. If they are as good as the Social Media Forum I recommend you email your contact details immediately to michelle.sims@tauranga.govt.nz Michelle is the specialist business information librarian and one of the team of information librarians at the downtown Library. Michelle also writes a business focused blog for the library tclbusinessblog.wordpress.com make sure you take a look at that too.

Note: the speakers at the Social Media Forum were:

Kathryn Overall of Engage Communications

Sheldon Nesdale of Marketing First

Dan Necklen of Likeable

Sheldon and Dan have highly informative websites and you can also join their information and article sharing email lists. Kathryn, a facebook specialist, is the administrator of the “Wish you were Working Here” facebook page.

Rosemary Balu


Tauranga City Library meets:

3rd Wednesday of every month of 2014 at the Tauranga City Library
10.30am to 11.30am and 5.30pm to 6.30pm

Papamoa Library Book Club meets:
3rd Wednesday of every month of 2014 at Papamoa Library

15th OCTOBER 2014, AFGHANISTAN – Novels, food, travel, history, memoir or DVDs.


Any one can join the Friends. Annual membership is $10. and members receive six issues of Bookline, the Friends newsletter. Monthly meetings with guest speakers. Friends are volunteers who link the general public and library management; support library initiatives and raise money for special library projects.

Contact: President Barbara Murray barianre@enternet.co.nz Phone 07 579 5378 Secretary Barbara Moore barbara.m@xtra.co.nz Phone 07 575 6823


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