Gibsons Gallery & Studio, Mount Maunganui – Marti Reed and his quirky, out-there art


I misread the signage for this upstairs gallery and have to be escorted there by Ollie Millinier (the Bay of Plenty Co-ordinator of the business sustainability scheme Conscious Consumers) after I barge unannounced into his office. (Take a look in this month’s Enviro & Political Art to read about this scheme).

Up the next door stairs I meet Marti Reed (Martin Tudor Reed). The accent suggests he has migrated here at some stage. Again this is a working office space with an ancillary gallery space. I’ve said the work is quirky. It’s also out there and sometimes a bit odd. It’s a day or two since I was there but what “sticks in my mind” – yes I know it’s a pun – is the furniture covered with large nails. It was inspired by “nail bars”. There’s painted and decorated driftwood – don’t even think about it – it’s not seaside craft market work – it’s as out-there as the furniture. And then there’s the fish tank. A fish tank? What’s so different about that? It’s in an old child’s school desk. It’s personal artistic expression without any reference to commercialism or potential sale. Yes!!

Worth a visit – definitely but you’ll have to make sure you can find it – on the left hand side in the main Mount shopping area, there’s a little notice on the glass wall/doorway. And give Marti a ring or an email before you show up to confirm he’s there and it’s open.

Gibsons Gallery & Studio

Martin Tudor Reed, TULT Design Ltd Web Design, Web hosting & Web Solutions,

021 885 839

Rosemary Balu


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