A week of more than heavy rain and awful weather in North Island New Zealand saw the postponement and cancellation of events – most notably we never got to see the inaugural Retro & Vintage Fayre at Greerton and Sundaise Festival was literally washed away. But, it’s interesting how quickly it’s been forgotten and now in the early weeks of autumn here in the Bay of Plenty we’ve had some stunning clear hot days after cooler nights and we’re ready to rock’n’roll!!
It’s the unique and talented Richard O’Brien’s 75th birthday celebration and he’s leveraging off this personal event with a fundraiser for the Auckland-based children’s Starship Hospital. Richard has an interesting team of support acts but it will be the style of the evening and the participation of the audience that’s going to make this an outstanding event. The audience is invited to “frock up” and that doesn’t mean in your corporate clothes!! Best wishes to Richard, a lovely man who is known for his support of local creative organisations and activities.
It’s not been here as long as Richard O’Brien but 2017 is Tauranga Writer’s Inc anniversary year. An exhibition of photographs of notable writers opens on the 23rd at Creative Bay of Plenty.
Rotorua-based Rogue Stage and the Wairakei Folk Festival 2017 are happening at Lava Glass, Taupo Look below for the acts, ticket details and a bit of this nomad performance venue’s history.
Whakatane has its French Festival and 26th ARTHOUSE Art and Craft Market 9am corner of McAlister and Short Streets
And up in Auckland on the 26th ARTbop contributor – poet, reviewer, musician – John Adams and his band Don’t Judge Me can be seen and heard performing at the Karanga Plaza at the Viaduct. The band performs original works by John Adams in collaboration with Hugh Clarkson.
We’re in the final days of the 2107 Sustainable Backyards month – there’ve been over 100 enviro-events throughout the Bay of Plenty. Check out www.envirohub.org.nz And, don’t forget this year’s Sustainable Art Challenge. You’ve got until Wednesday 9th June 2017 to enter. Info and registration on-line at www.envirohub.org.nz This is an event where innovation and style rival WOW in the creativity of the entrants. Take a look at the articles on ARTbop about last year’s SAChallenge.
They’ve got the Tauranga Art Gallery closed at the moment to get Paradox up and running. Paradox will be on from the end of March to June 2017 in the Gallery and around the town.
CCS Applications Still Open Looking at an arts project, exhibition, musical event etc – funding applications open to 3rd April 2017 – check out below for more info
And a request for help and information: The rented home of an ARTbop contributor has been sold and a new roof is now required – details at the end of Coming Up.
BAYCOURT Community & Arts Centre, Tauranga
Baycourt hosts a palette of creative activity from local youth performance to significant alternative performance. Just a quick look at what’s coming up in either the Addison Theatre or the Xspace, Go to www.baycourt.co.nz for detailed event and performance information and ticket prices. Here’s a selection:
24th March, 8pm 75 Years of Frock ‘n’ Roll with Richard O’Brien and Mark Sainsbury (plus a few surprises!) Dress to Impress. Supporting Starship Hospital. Details at www.taurangamusic.com
26th March Steinway Open Day from 10am with the Friends of Baycourt. Free entry!
TAURANGA WRITERS 2017 50th Anniversary Year!
… is a classic riddle with several possible answers, one being a play on the same-sound words, red and read. If we take ‘red’ now to be ‘read’ the answer is a newspaper. Other popular answers depended upon adding something to what is typically black and white, coming up for example with an embarrassed nun, blushing scarlet, or a sunburned zebra.
The joke appeared in at least 21 collections of folk riddles published between 1917 and 1974. Now it has inspired a collaboration between Tauranga Photographic Society and Tauranga Writers to create an exhibition – and even, perhaps, a happening? – around that in-joke.
Why now? Well, Tauranga Writers was founded on 21st June 1967, the longest-running self-help group for writers in New Zealand, and is celebrating their Golden Jubilee this year with a series of events.
For writers, the best possible outcome to all those solitary hours at the keyboard is to be, literally, black and white and read all over – that is, in print, with black words on white pages, and selling widely and well.
So five photographers of high repute and members of the Tauranga Photographic Society will put a new twist on this old saying by creating portraits of a number of the present group of Tauranga Writers and exhibiting them as BLACK & WHITE & READ ALL OVER! Every writer’s ambition, and every writer also needs a great author photo for that back cover blurb to boost those sales!
And, with a computer kindly loaned by Technology Wise, and located in the Creative Bay of Plenty open space, Tauranga Writers is issuing a challenge set to go worldwide. Long-time member Bryan Winters, explains.
“This occasion also allows us to hopefully create a new category for the famous Guinness Book of Records, which already has a category ‘most artists contributing to a single painting.’ We’re inviting Bay of Plenty locals to contribute to a new category, ’most writers contributing to a single book.’ We’ll then issue a global challenge to beat whatever record we set here in Tauranga.”
How will this be done.
We’re creating A People’s History of the Bay of Plenty, with a number of chapter topics to choose from. We want as many people as possible to write 200 words and yes, we will publish the book, and we hope it, too, will be black and white and read all over. Names of contributors will go on the cover and it will be available throughout the English-speaking world. You’re invited to add your own contribution by following the instructions you’ll find at https://www.bopbook.com/.
To make it extra special, and to emphasise that special relationship that writers develop with artists, illustrators and photographers, we’ve invited Ocean Patrice, formerly of Maketu, to create a montage of colour scenes from the Bay of Plenty to complement the portraits from Tauranga Society of Photographers. This will be Ocean’s inaugural exhibition, and we’re thrilled that she’s been so willing to join us in this collaboration of words and photos.
The New Zealand Society of Authors has announced 2017 to be The Year of the Authorpreneur. That means not only being able to write best words in best order, but also knowing how to work with other professionals, such as photographers. Ocean’s photos will be on display and for sale during the exhibition, and will also feature in A People’s History of the Bay of Plenty as an example of that kind of collaboration.
BLACK & WHITE & READ ALL OVER will run for two weeks from 23rd March in the Simpson Grierson Gallery, Creative Bay of Plenty (preview on 22nd March.) On that night, we’re adding further to the fun by asking those who attend to take home a balloon – naturally, black or white or red – with a brief message in it about the exhibition and a quote from one of the writers portrayed. We’re asking our guests, “Please release this balloon on your way home,” and it will be interesting to see where they end up.
Diane Hume-Green Tauranga Writers Email teamhume@kinect.co.nz www.taurangawriters.org.nz
Ocean Patrice Tel 022 089 79 50 Email content@oceanpatrice.com https://oceanpatrice.com/
Bryan Winters Tel:021 377 937 Email: wintersb@xtra.co.nz https://www.bopbook.com
Alliance Francaise French Film Festival The Rialto, Goddard Centre Tauranga
16th – 26th March 2017
Phone 07 577 0455 www.rialtotauranga.co.nz
ROGUE STAGE – nomad listening space
WAIRAKEI FOLK FESTIVAL / WFF 2017 at Lava Glass Taupo 25th March 2017 10am to 8pm Lots of wonderful entertainment – more information on
The Rogue Stage presents, in conjunction with Lava Glass Taupo, Jerseybob and Raw Balance NZ, an evening of exquisite live folk music hosted in the magnificent glass sculpture garden of Lava Glass Taupo.
Throughout the day you can enjoy live music from local and international artists performing in the purpose-built amphitheater situated at the venue. The sound shell stage, with pond and water feature, is a visual compliment to all events. Lighting up at night, creating an ambient vibe, this will add the final touches to what will be an amazing evening! There is ample seating on the grassy tiered steps for 350 people to comfortably enjoy the music. (Bring your own cushions and blanket please.)
WFF 2017 line-up!
The Bollands – http://thebollands.com/
Always on the road, New Zealand folk duo, The Bollands, have been singing their infectious foot stomping folk songs since 2011. With their love of travel, music, good friends & fine wine, they have gained a reputation for their passion-filled live shows and heartfelt folk tunes. Their energetic music stems from their upbringing in the folk and roots music scenes in small towns and folk clubs throughout New Zealand. Christian, a hairy folk singer, met Joyce, the not so hairy pianist, at a campfire jam on a remote beach in their home country, New Zealand. They clicked instantly. Since that fate-filled night, they have been playing their passion-filled songs on the road throughout the world. For the past few years Joyce and Christian have been based in Hong Kong touring constantly.
Tweed – http://www.tweed-nz.com/
“It’s honest songwriting…with a very unpretentious feel. Traditional motifs are delivered in a modern fashion with relaxed confidence, a cohesive vibe and some great harmonies.” – NZ Musician
Bob Vincent aka Jerseybob – https://www.reverbnation.com/jerseybob
For those of you who have been lucky to be charmed by his rich voice, poignant lyrics and melodic harmonies need no introduction to this extraordinary and talented musician, but for those who still feel unsure whether its worth to abandon the couch for….
He has played in some great venues, up and down the country. That means South Island too, including Stewart Island. Bars, cafes, clubs, pubs, streets, house concerts, gardens, beaches, floating pontoons, bowls, ferries, stages, you name it, Bob probably has done it. He regularly amps the crowd at the Mussel Inn, Oneka, a legendary venue with some legendary local brew and home to the Captain Cooker, down in Golden Bay. I think he has a standing extended everlasting invitation by the owner!
He has shared the limelight in NZ with Luke Hurley (NZ artist featured on the ‘Insatiable Moon’ sound track), Panda (USA), Midge McCleary (NZ) and Stu O’Connor (UK). All favourites on the live music scene. NZ-landers have seen Jerseybob play and perform his music for the last 10 years and steadily he has built a group of faithful followers. Some so dedicated, following in his trail to the next stage.
Jerseybob has his own unique style, fusing folk inspired tunes with his quick witted tongue. A blend he has stamped as Folkcomedy. His songs tell tales, from here and from far far away. Tales of love ‘Simple Love Song’, death ‘My Mum’s Mum’, age ‘Wish List’, an old house ‘This Old House’ and living by the sea ‘Ebb and Flow’. He is a man with a gentle soul and he shares his truths so openly and trustingly. His fingers run up and down the familiar fretboard ‘McCleary’s Womb’, as if on a mad coffee rush, pulsating to a deep earthy rhythm, or they just dance ever so gently ‘This One’s for Nibs’. You get more than just a regular guy playing guitar nicely, you get a vibe, a heartbeat, a moment you definitely want to be part of.
You get more than just a regular guy playing guitar nicely, you get a vibe, a heartbeat, a moment you definitely want to be part of. His wife Monika has now joined him on Cajon and adds a driving beat to the acoustic sounds. She also adds a much more attractive look to the worn out troubadours weathered face.. LOL
Lloyd Akroyd – https://soundcloud.com/lloydakroydmusic
Singer song writer working musician from Rotorua, A blend of Rock,pop,blues/jazz & funk.
Looking for Alaska – http://www.lookingforalaska.co.nz/
Like two weary vagabonds hitch-hiking along the open road with nothing but a guitar and a suitcase of songs and wayward memories, pop-folk duo Looking For Alaska are ready to set the New Zealand folk scene alight.
Members Aaron Gott and Amy Maynard offer up a sound rooted in country-style guitar and soaring harmonies woven together at their very fibre, intensified by their magnetic on-stage chemistry. The duo’s familiarity, closeness and authenticity is fuelled by their real-life romance, creating a magnetic performance style that captivates their audience time and time again, and has seen them open for the likes of Fly My Pretties and Herbs, and as a featured act at the Auckland Folk Festival.Having performed together extensively since they bonded during a recording assignment at music school in 2012, Aaron and Amy embarked upon their newest musical endeavour Looking For Alaska two years ago, and have since worked tirelessly to create a collection of original material, ranging from thigh-slapping, foot-stomping folk sing-alongs, to poignant heart-rending ballads drenched in melancholy.
Accompanied by their band, Looking For Alaska have recently emerged from Roundhead Studios where they have recorded their debut album, set for release in October 2016, and accompanied by a nationwide tour.
More acts to be announced soon!
Food, drinks and bar:
Enjoy food from Lava Glass Cafe or from the food trucks parked in the grounds. Lava Glass Cafe is fully licensed, stocking a variety of local wines and beer, including non-alcoholic beverages such as specialty coffees and teas. Eftpos available at Lava Glass Cafe and both food trucks – Raw Balance and Tea n Happiness.
A little bit of history behind WFF
In 2014 The Rogue Stage, a nomad live music theater created by Karin and Barry Vincent from Rotorua, hosted the first of three annual folk festivals at a scout camp near Kerosene Creek. From its inauguration 3 years ago, the Waiotapu Folk Festival has gained a reputation among musicians and music lovers as a festival designed for the attentive listener. Audiences are left spell bound and amazed by the live music presented by artists such as Great North, Bernie Griffen, Adam McGrath, Lonesome Pines (Flora Knight, Ben Woolley, Hannah Harding), Archer, Glass Vaults, Matiu Te Huki, The Bitter Years, Bondstreet Bridge, Lloyd Akroyd, Juan los Bastardos, James Kenyon, Callum Gentleman, Albi (from Albi and the Wolves), Hugh McGinlay, Tourettes, Will Wood, Greg Malcolm and Jenny Ward, Katy Cable, Sonic Delusion, Jerseybob and much much more.
In 2017 we decided to move the festival closer to Taupo, giving the opportunity for Taupo music lovers to experience this unique boutique festival. As it is held in Wairakei, we also decided to keep WFF alive as Wairakei Folk Festival.
Tickets are $30 per adult, $5 for 3 to 13 yr old, $12 for teens 13 to 16, $22 for students and OAP. Family tickets $55 (2 adults and 3 children up to age 13)
Tickets can be bought at Raw Balance NZ and My Music in Taupo or at Musicworks Rotorua. Please pre-order tickets at theroguestage@gmail.com for collection if you require other than single adult tickets.
Contact details:
Karin Vincent 02102381057 or theroguestage@gmail.com,
Barry Vincent 0226441778 or Bob Vincent 0224112889
Arts Whakatane
Te koputu a te whanga a Toi – Whakatane Library and exhibition Centre. Weekdays 9am-5pm. Weekends Saturday and Sunday 10am-2pm Entry by donation. The Exhibition Centre is located between New World supermarket and The Warehouse on Kakahoroa Drive, Whakatane. The Library and Exhibition Centre are worth a visit at any time. It’s a great day out to a coastal Bay of Plenty town. And don’t miss the next sale of original art and art craft: 26th ARTHOUSE Art and Craft Market 9am corner of McAlister and Short Streets
Up in Auckland this weekend? Check out……
Don’t judge me
at Karanga Plaza, The Viaduct, Auckland 26 March 2pm
What really makes a woman Feel good? Where could you catch the Unnamed Rumpelstiltskin Blues? And when that medical specialist assures you there’s No need to worry, do you relax? Truly? These important questions will be addressed in the Karanga Plaza, Wynyard Quarter, Auckland on Sunday 26 March 2 – 4pm when the sextet Don’t judge me performs.
The band performs works by New Zealand poet John Adams. Ranging through blues, social comment, lyrical pieces and misanthropic love songs, the music is produced by Hugh Clarkson in collaboration with John Adams.
Vocalist Cath Townsend twists the top off these numbers while Hugh Clarkson and Patrick Davidson work guitar magic. Kay McCabe underwrites the enterprise with her double bass and Pete Harbidge’s cornet and harmonica moods enhance the ambience. John Adams associates with the cajon.
It’s music with words. Entertaining, poetic and fun.
tauranga art gallery toi tauranga
The delightful Tauranga Art Gallery is on the Corner of Wharf and Willow Streets, Downtown Tauranga. P: +64 7 578 7933 www.artgallery.org.nz
The Gallery is closed at the moment while it gets ready to show a selection of the works of international political artist and activist -Banksy (and others). The exhibition and public art works will be happening from the end of March to June 2017 in and around Tauranga.
“As you are aware the Paradox: Tauranga Street Art Festival is fast approaching on March 28 and will feature work from renowned graffiti artist Banksy.
What’s more special is the works now hold a strong connection to Banksy’s take on Middle Eastern conflict, with one of his rare works from a past Palestine show appearing in Tauranga’s first-ever street art festival.
Paradox will feature 22 art works by Banksy, including his iconic ‘Pink Copper’ from Santa’s Ghetto, an exhibition that was held in Palestine in 2007 in collaboration with East London screen print publishers Pictures on Walls. Other artwork also purchased from the Bethlehem exhibition will be featured in Tauranga, including ‘Soup’ by American born artist Swoon, ‘Who’s to Blame?’ by Banksy’s long-term assistant Paul Insect and ‘Sunglasses’ by Bast.
The ties become apparent following the recent unveiling of Banksy’s latest installation, The Walled Off Hotel, which is his first major piece of work since 2015.
A three-storey guest house, with nine private rooms as well as hostel-like accommodation, the hotel is located 4m from the Israeli security wall that wraps around Bethlehem. Built in complete secrecy during a 14-month period, The Walled Off Hotel is decorated with dozens of new politically-charged art works for which the street artist is famous.
Paradox artistic director George Shaw says having Banksy back in the headlines is not only good news for the world of street art, but also the festival, as it highlights just how valuable the Oi YOU! Collection is, given its close connection to the hotel.”
Paradox the Street Art Festival will be starting at 28 March 2017 and running to June 2017 – W: taurangastreetart.co.nz

Here he comes…
CCS Applications Still Open
If you are planning an artistic community event, such as an arts project, exhibition, series of workshops or musical events and are in need funding to help make this happen, have you considered putting in an application for Creative Communities Scheme Funding? CCS is Regional Arts Funding made available by Creative New Zealand and administered here in the Bay of Plenty by Creative Bay of Plenty. There are two funding panels – Tauranga ( for events in Tauranga ) and Western Bay ( for events in Western Bay ). Deadline for applications is April 3rd and all the forms are available on our website.
The Western Bay Museum Katikati opens a new exhibition on 1st April 2017 – “Building our Nation”
On Monday 3rd April 2017 at 6.30pm the Fine Art Society New Zealand will conduct an auction at Baycourt Commjunity & Arts Centre 38 Durham Street, Tauranga of the Collections of Niki and Theo Vellinga.

The incomporable Koula Vellinga
A 40 page catalogue illustraing over 100 artworks is available on request from info@fineartsociety.net or from Zeus Gallery, 35 Chapel Street, Tauranga. The recent exhibition KOULA at the Tauranga Art Gallery provided a peak into the determined and eclectic collections of two interesting Tauranga residents .
Richard Adams – “Grand Gestures in the Outdoors”
Next Painting Workshop in Tauranga on 1 & 2 April 2017. BOOK NOW !
Richard Adams, international painter, teacher and musician, is set to return to the idyllic Te Puna Quarry Park, Tauranga to conduct another 2 day painting workshop “Grand Gestures in the Outdoors” on 1st and 2nd April.
Richard has lead numerous art workshops throughout New Zealand and has recently returned from a successful art residency at a prodigious school in Winchester, England. Music lovers may recognise Richard as the jazz violinist from the Nairobi Trio, and his musicianship will be on display after the Art Workshop in April, at Te Puna Quarry Park.
The stunning recreational part settling is “magical” says Richard and “lends itself beautifully to creating great paintings in the outdoors”. The Workshop is open to all painters of all skill levels, including anyone who has always wanted to give it a go. Richard says “the 2 days will focus on mark making, underpainting, over-painting and essential gestures and processes which form the basis of painting, and participants will gain a deeper understanding of the way light, colour, surface, textures and gestures in the abstract form are still the essence of good painting”.
Organiser Yvonne Lambert says “it’s a fabulous opportunity to learn from Richard’s unique teaching style and to discover your very own “Grand Gesture” in a stimulating and supportive environment surrounded by nature”.
Full details at www.bopart.co.nz
Yvonne Lambert – Bay of Plenty Art Services
(021)499 318
Te Weranga – the Bush Campaign.

Detail of the intricate carving on the pou at the Te Ranga battle site
The continuing acknowledgement of colonial government attacks on outlying Tauranga Maori settlements. On 5th April 2017 at 5.30am on April 8th 2017 there will be a dawn ceremony to dedicate a memorial pou at the Puketoki Reserve Whakamarama to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the campaign. There will then be a whakanoa and breakfast, a powhiri and retelling of the events of Te Werenga at Tawhitinui Marae. The day will conclude with a Hakari in the early afternoon.
(The ARTbop archive contains articles and images about the 150th commemoration of the battles of Gate Pa-Pukehinahina and Te Ranga)
55th National Jazz Festival Tauranga
13 – 17 April 2017
ZOETICA – life – passion – bravery 30 August to 02 September 2017
Tarnished Frocks & Divas in association with Carrus W: tarnishedfrocksanddivas.co.nz F: Tarnished Frocks and Divas
Maori Language Week 11 -17 September 2017
Mercury Bay Music Festival
NZ Poetry Conference and Festival, 10 -12 November 2017 Auckland, AUT Unviversity
An ARTbop contributor, a single, retired male needs to find new rental accommodation – his current home has just been sold. He would like to rent a one or two bed-roomed unit in a quiet area of Tauranga or it surrounds. He would like a garage (preferably attached to the unit) and off street parking. He can provide references on request. If are aware of a suitable property would you please contact him through ARTbop at info@artbop.co.nz
the Bay of Plenty’s creative arts magazine
read us online anywhere, anytime!
And – if you’ve got anything “coming up” you can let us know at ARTbop on info@artbop.co.nz We like some informative text and an image or two (make sure these are low res jpgs to 750kb)