Tauranga has just buzzed, ticked and hummed since the launch of Paradox the street art festival last Monday at the Tauranga Art Gallery. I ran into Western Bay MP Todd Muller at a Land Transport forum on Saturday afternoon: his rendition of Frida Kahlo was good enough for me to recognise his participation in The Incubator project earlier in the day.
It’s a big week for the Whakamarama District to the north west of Tauranga. We commemorate Te Weranga-the Bush Campaign and the accumulated art works of two of the district’s identities go up for auction on Monday night. If you’re really quick you could apply for this current round of CCS funding – closes 3rd April! On the 4th, Art by Rosie opens an exhibition by local migrant artists, often well-known and established art names.
The Goddard Centre in Downtown Tauranga had its own buzz and vibe on Friday night 31st March 2017 as Murray Clode, artists and guests enjoyed time acknowledging the success of Macandmor Gallery – a year old! Great going all of you.
Tonight, Monday 3rd April 2017 at 6.30pm the Fine Art Society New Zealand will conduct an auction at Baycourt Community & Arts Centre 38 Durham Street, Tauranga of the Collections of Niki and Theo Vellinga – over 100 artworks will be auctioned.The recent exhibition KOULA at the Tauranga Art Gallery provided a peek into the determined and eclectic collections of two interesting Tauranga residents
It’s fascinating to think of the unknown collections, creative projects, craft and art craft being created and collected behind the facade of ordinary suburban or rural houses. I don’t think I ever met either of the Vellingas; residents of a tall-tree obscured property in the rural roads near my home in Whakamarama. Some months ago I asked the executors of the estate if I could call and look around the property which had created so much interest. The extensive portfolio of artworks had been removed but the rugs, eclectic dark and heavy furniture and objets trouve still filled an otherwise ordinary New Zealand home. Hand-knotted rugs of all shapes, sizes, colours and patterns were piled high and even attached to the ceilings – it was impossible not to immediately refer to the phrase “Aladdins Cave” By now the rugs will have been dispatched to Auckland for sale and the pictures will be hanging somewhere in Baycourt waiting for the auction to begin.
There was sculpture in the most unusual places – right down by the rubbish bin – and outside among overgrown trees and garden – some to be retained by the new owner of the property.
There had been a lot of organising and listing for sale of the contents of the home – the day I went to the house the district had been given the opportunity of purchasing from the wonderful stash of accumulated treasures. It was a privilege to be allowed to walk through the home, talk to the younger family members who had come from Holland to undertake the estate tasks.
Outside there is a huge pile of what was considered “junk” – I saw what I call collectables through, around and on top of the huge pile designated for disposal – I want to ask “may I….” but the voice in my head of my overseas living adult children reminds me that no-one will be coming to pack up my home, sort my magpied treasures and sell my home. So I say nothing and look at the wooden clogs, the permanent reminders of an earlier life and associations attached to the woodshed and wonder if it is because we were migrants that we need the security of possessions to protect us in our adopted homeland.
I hope those who purchase remnants of the lives and collecting passion of these two people enjoy them and remember the two unique Whakamarama individuals who instigated the process of acquisition.
Art by Rosie, Studio Gallery has a multi-artist exhibition opening on 4th April – “Home from Home” Six artists of international origin who now call New Zealand home exhibit their incredible work. The exhibition runs from 4th to 206th April at G7 Goddards Centre, 21 Devonport Road, Downtown Tauranga.
Te Weranga – the Bush Campaign.
The continuing acknowledgement of colonial government attacks on outlying Tauranga Maori settlements. On 8th April 2017 at 7am there will be a ceremony to dedicate a memorial pou at the Puketoki Reserve Whakamarama to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the campaign. There will then be a whakanoa and breakfast, a powhiri and retelling of the events of Te Werenga at Tawhitinui Marae. The day will conclude with a Hakari in the early afternoon.
(The ARTbop archive contains articles and images about the 150th commemoration of the battles of Gate Pa-Pukehinahina and Te Ranga)
55th National Jazz Festival Tauranga
13 – 17 April 2017
Sustainable Art Challenge.
You’ve got until Wednesday 9th June 2017 to enter. Info and registration on line at www.envirohub.org.nz This is an event where innovation and style rival WOW in the creativity of the entrants.
Take a look at the articles on ARTbop about last year’s SAChallenge. We take a look at the setting up of the display in the Baycourt XSpace and then the exhibition of winners at Creative Bay of Plenty, Willow Street, Downtown Tauranga – innovation and style.
The Western Bay Museum Katikati new exhibition “Building our Nation” on now.
BAYCOURT Community & Arts Centre, Tauranga
Baycourt hosts a palette of creative activity from local youth performance to significant alternative performance. Just a quick look at what’s coming up in either the Addison Theatre or the Xspace, Go to www.baycourt.co.nz for detailed event and performance information and ticket prices.
TAURANGA WRITERS 2017 50th Anniversary Year
– watch for ongoing commemorative events – the group has an extensive programme of activities to showcase the diverse talents of Tauranga Writers and other locally based creative groups.
tauranga art gallery toi tauranga
The delightful Tauranga Art Gallery is on the Corner of Wharf and Willow Streets, Downtown Tauranga. P: +64 7 578 7933 www.artgallery.org.nz
Paradox the Street Art Festival to June 2017 inside and outside the Gallery and in and around the streeets of Tauranga. – www: taurangastreetart.co.nz
Read the recently published article by ARTbop contributor Loretta Crawford with supporting images by ARTbop Photographer Lee Switzer: “Paradox Street Art Festival – OiYou! the exhibition will thrill all.
have a variety of programmes for readers and library users of all ages. I picked up a handful of colourful promotional info at Greerton Library – book clubs for all ages. Children 6-8years; Tween & Teen 9-14 years and the “adult” Book Club which meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at Greerton. You can find more information by calling Paula about the programmes for young people on 577 7013 and the Jenny on 543 4760 or 021 401 451 or secretary@fol-tauranga.org.nz
Greerton Library is a new library located in the heart of the Greerton Village. Greerton Village is known for its antique and recycle stores apart from its wonderful village ambiance – watch out Ponsonby! Cafes and bakeries where you can sit and review your reading list or your op shop or retro purchases. Parking available and clean public toilets in the carpark and the library building. Watch the pedestrians on the roundabouts and don’t forget Greerton has its own programme of festivals and street projects organised by their very own mainstreet co-ordinator.
Check out the Te Puna Correspondent, Beth Bowden’s article on the opening of the Greerton Library – wonderful images of the building and the associated pou and art work.
Auckland Writers Festival 16-21 May 2017 Aotea Centre – Love Story – Six Days of Good Times and Great Ideas with the World’s best Writers and Thinkers
The play is about a woman, Gloria, aged 97 who hasn’t long to live. Her son Craig is pushing her to ‘retireville’ but she wants die in her own home. It is 2021 and on a whim she buys an extraordinary designer handbag. This purchase sets off a series of unusual events which transforms Gloria’s remaining days and enables her to send a message to the future.
“It’s imperative to have a good handbag when you are on the way out.”
Award winning actor, Helen Moulder has been working in the theatre for over 40 years in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Helen plays six different characters in the play, Gloria’s son Craig, her granddaughter, a gardener, a young teacher and the handbag portrayed as a charming and glamorous Italian woman called Bellissima. Keeping up with NZ said “Helen Moulder as Gloria is a marvel…six characters, expert storytelling, opera singing and magic tricks, all performed by a cast of one”.
The play is presented by Baycourt Community & Arts Centre but will be performed at 16 Ave Theatre on 16th Avenue. Tickets can be purchased at www.ticketet.co.nz or at the Baycourt Box Office and there will be door sales at 16th Ave Theatre on the night.
For more information, contact: megan.peacockcoyle@tauranga.govt.nz
Wednesday 24 May 7.30pm
16th Avenue Theatre
Adults $25, Seniors $22, FOB members $20
ZOETICA – life – passion – bravery 30 August to 02 September 2017 Tarnished Frocks & Divas in association with Carrus W: tarnishedfrocksanddivas.co.nz F: Tarnished Frocks and Divas
Maori Language Week 11 -17 September 2017
Mercury Bay Music Festival
Mercury Bay Music Festival
NZ Poetry Conference and Festival, 10 -12 November 2017 Auckland, AUT University
NZ Poetry Conference and Festival, 10 -12 November 2017 Auckland, AUT University
With the arrival of new staff at CBOP from next week, we say goodbye to Viv Quinn and Christine Sadlier, who will be pursuing their fields of event management, project co-ordination and arts administration. They are available for contractual assignments and can be contacted at:
vivvyarts@gmail.com, christinesadlier13@gmail.com
Viv and Christine will still be around at CBOP over April as they will be facilitating the CCS applications funding process. We thank them both for their dedication and professionalism over the last year and wish them well.
the Bay of Plenty’s creative arts magazine
read us online anywhere, anytime!
And – if you’ve got anything “coming up” you can let us know at ARTbop on info@artbop.co.nz We like some informative text and an image or two (make sure these are low res jpgs to 750kb)