Warbrick’s exhibition is compact but diverse. Several of the pieces displayed on the walls of the Willow Gallery of Creative Tauranga, Willow Street, Downtown Tauranga, have been created on recycled materials – old doors.
“The Changes around me: to rebuild”, “Your Bypass Our Home” are painted with and include the precise traditional tangata whenua designs. “Miles Davis” is a darkly coloured, sombre almost sadly dour and despondent image of this famous musician.
It’s the multi repetitive image of the crowned monkey “Monkeys” that really catches my eye. At an earlier event a fellow attender had sidled up to me to tell me that “it was only coloured photocopies.” Do I care? No the overall effect and impression is what I appreciated and its mocking wit.
This boutique exhibition provided an excellent overview of Warbrick’s varying work styles.
And, just out of the corner of my eye I also spy the Underground representation of Tauranga by Murray Clode – we’ll be expecting to see this and “Monkeys” Frizell like on Tauranga teeshirts!!
Rosemary Balu. Rosemary is a regular contributor to ARTbop. She is the founding and current Editor of ARTbop.