Urban design cafe series – Garth Falconer speaks


Garth Falconer is an Urban Designer and Landscape Architect from Auckland. He is also the author of a new book, Living in Paradox. He was the guest speaker at this month’s Urban Design Café Series held at QV Eatery on Cameron Road.

The café series events have been running since last year and are sponsored by local commercial businesses and organisations such as H G Rose Architecture, Resene, ADNZ (Architects and Designers of New Zealand. and NZILA (New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects).

Garth spoke about some chapters in his book and showed images on-screen and also gave information and ideas about towns and cities in New Zealand including Tauranga. He had been part of the design team for the hard landscaping and planting downtown Mount Maunganui many years ago and one of the many people who have contributed to various plans for the waterfront in Tauranga. He has a whole section in the book on the Christchurch Rebuild and is speaking down there soon and being prepared for some reaction to his provocative comments about the design so far. There was plenty of spirited debate and questions after his talk ranging from general urban design questions to Tauranga specific debate about the train downtown, subdivisions, City Plaza, Port expansion and more.

Diane Hume-Green. A partner in the boutique design firm HG Rose Architecture Diane, and husband architect Phil Green have strong personal and community interests in urban design and development trends.


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