The signs of the land. The signs of the sky. The signs of change in Aotearoa New Zealand. Matariki, our new year.
This is a scholarly but entertaining talk/lecture/korero by Dr Rangi Matamua an acknowledged authority on Matariki
Different iwi hold different views of Matariki. Here is Ngati Toa who talk of the Mother and the six sisters. The accompanying visual images are beautiful.
How to locate Matariki in our night sky
And in music…
Matariki Tauranga Moana (Please check what is actually happening as the programme of events may be disrupted by recent pandemic concerns)
“Each year, the winter stars of Matariki signal the arrival of the Māori New Year. Traditionally, the rise of Matariki was a sign to ensure food crops had been harvested and the storehouses were well-stocked for the coming year.
Nowadays, Matariki has become a time of revitalisation and resurgence of te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori. Matariki is an opportunity to reflect and celebrate our history and make plans for the future.
In doing so, we acknowledge our traditions, language and culture, which together give us a sense of who we are.
The theme for the Matariki Tauranga Moana 2020 programme of events is Ngā Kura Huna: sharing important knowledge and prized learnings that would otherwise remain hidden.
The 2020 celebration will open doors to valued strands of learning and knowledge connected to Matariki. Kia huakina te tatau hei tomonga mā tātou ki ngā kura huna o Matariki.
Matariki, we look to the heavens to guide us into the future, to stand in the present, to grow from past lessons,
Matariki, the world that we know today, a time to celebrate as a people, our culture, knowledge, language and diversity,
Matariki, a symbol of the many faces of our people, whose heritage spans the Pacific and celebrated through whakapapa.
Matariki Tauranga Moana welcomes you to discover the significance of Matariki and explore ways to observe the Māori New Year with whanau and friends.
Matariki Tauranga Moana 2020 will see the city come alive with a programme of events including live performances, exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops, family events, online storytelling and learning.
Come along, take part, learn what Matariki means for our city and our people and bring to light the otherwise hidden learnings of Matariki.”
Matariki Tamaki Makarau: “Each year, Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau hosts Matariki Festival in partnership with local mana whenua. Waikato-Tainui continue as iwi manaaki (host iwi) in 2020.
While many may think that Waikato-Tainui come from “south of the Bombays”, the iwi has a long history and association with Tāmaki Makaurau; from the arrival of Tainui waka to the traditional homes of their paramount chiefs across the region. The stories of Waikato-Tainui contribute to the rich cultural heritage of Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ko Matariki te kairuuri o Te Mangooroa
Hui e, tāiki ē! ”